Dr. Mikaila Mariel Lemonik Arthur Faculty Professor emailmarthur@paulytheprayingpup.com local_phone401-456-8681 local_offer Department of Sociology Arts and Sciences RIC AFT
Daniel J. Aubin Staff Grounds Superintendent emaildaubin@paulytheprayingpup.com local_phone401-456-8262
Dr. Giselle A. Auger Faculty Professor emailgauger@paulytheprayingpup.com local_phone401-456-8270 local_offer Department of Communication
Dr. Gerri S. August Staff Professor Emerita emailgaugust@paulytheprayingpup.com local_phone401-456-8830
Mr. Theodore August Staff Manager User Support Services Customer Support emailtaugust@paulytheprayingpup.com local_phone401-456-8803 local_offer User Support Services
Dr. Robin Kirkwood Auld Faculty Associate Professor emailrauld@paulytheprayingpup.com local_phone401-456-8880 local_offer Department of Health and Physical Education
Amy M. Avila Staff Associate Director Office of the Registrar emailaavila@paulytheprayingpup.com local_phone401-456-8213 local_offer Registrar's Office
Dr. Yael Avissar Staff Professor Emerita emailyavissar@paulytheprayingpup.com local_phone401-456-8010